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What You Can Do at Home to Help Your Nursery Child Prepare For School

Leanne Ammon

The transition from nursery to school can be a daunting time for parents and children alike. However, there are lots of ways we can help prepare our little ones for the change.

An easy start is to build on the things they may already be starting to do for themselves. Being able to go to the toilet, put on their gloves, and fasten their shoes will give a sense of independence. Consider buying Velcro fastened shoes rather than laces to help with this. But don’t worry if your child find these things tricky to do as there will always be an adult on hand who will help your child with these things.

When it comes to preparing for school life and learning, there are many ways you can help your child get a head start. Encourage them to recognise and write their own name. An easy way to do this is to write their name and help them to trace over it themselves. Giving plenty of opportunity to colour helps with pencil grip and control.  Practise number and letter knowledge by counting to ten and back with songs such as Ten in the Bed and Five Little Ducks, and singing the alphabet song. Spending time reading with your child is a worthy investment. Introducing them to a range of different books helps to foster a love of reading and also helps to build recognition of simple words. Most importantly for this transition to ‘big’ school, children need to know how to ask for help when they need it. Make sure they know who to go to and what to say if they need help.

Who doesn’t like an afternoon digging sandcastles or stomping through the leaves? Spending some time taking your child to natural spaces like the woods, the beach or the park is a great way to begin understanding the environment around them. Spaces like these lend themselves to talking about the animals and plants they might see, the difference between sand and soil, the movement of the waves.

Even going to the shops together offers an insight into how we pay for things and can lead to discussions about the role of money. Spending time together in nature helps to broaden your child’s experience and understanding of the world around them, something that schools focus on in the Early Years.

While there are plenty of ways you can help your child prepare for the transition to school, don’t forget to help prepare yourself too! Whether you’re nervous about your child entering school or looking forward to it, you’ll be going through your own transition from mummy to a pre-schooler to mummy of a fully fledged child at school. So be kind to yourself too! Treat yourself in that first hour with a nice hot chocolate with a friend or go for a long uninterrupted walk. And take comfort in the knowledge that your child will be amongst friends and adults who care.

About Us:

We are vastly experienced and knowledgeable after years of early years practice as a team. We know that choosing a nursery is a big decision and understand what is important to parents and children. We are aware of the demands and pressures parents have in their lives and so offer many different flexible sessions to suit our individual parents needs. From funded or self funding places to vouchers from work, we will always try to work out what will work best with you.

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